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To wrap up this 35th edition of Sunny Side of the Doc in style, let’s get together for the traditional closing cocktail.
Like last year, the winners of each category will be announced the morning after the pitching session, during the Awards Café in the Meeting Aera. This gathering will allow participants to meet project leaders in a dedicated and friendly setting.
At the end of the four-day market, the special prizes and last awards (Impact Campaigns pitch, Nature & Conservation pitch, History picth) will be revealed and awarded during this closing cocktail reception – an opportunity to celebrate all the winners of the 35th festival edition.

Mathieu BEJOT
Director Of Strategy & Development
Sunny Side of the Doc

Aurélie REMAN
Coo - Directrice Des Opérations
Sunny Side of the Doc

Project Officer - Call, Submissions & Observatory
Sunny Side of the Doc

Philippe LE GALL
Relations presse & Relations publiques
Sunny Side of the Doc