Innovation WIP
move your innovation forward
The Innovation WIP support programme presents a unique opportunity to meet new partners and secure funding for your innovative documentary projects in La Rochelle.

What is Innovation WIP?
Innovation WIP (Work In Progress) is a support programme designed to encourage the creation of all forms of non-linear documentary, including podcasts, video games, immersive creation, digital arts and virtual worlds.
This year, for the first time, five projects will be selected following the call for entries, and will benefit from tailor-made support to help them develop their project.
What benefits?
The Innovation WIP support programme presents a unique opportunity to meet new partners and secure funding for your innovative documentary projects in La Rochelle.
As a selected participant, you will:
- receive tailored support from industry specialists,
- engage in meetings with targeted French and international players,
- participate in a dedicated WIP session during the market,
- enjoy informal networking opportunities,
- showcase your work in the Studio—an exclusive space at the heart of the Sunny Side of the Doc hall open to all professionals.

WIP Official selection
Discover the projects selected for the Innovation WIP support programme.

Animals Talk
Directed by: GORDON
Produced by: Little Big Story Lab (France), A_Bahn (Luxembourg)
Technology: Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, 6DoF, Installation
Logline: Animals Talk is a virtual reality experience exploring animals languages. Animals talk to each other. What do they say to each other? Try it out, and soon the language of the South African mouse, the rainforest caiman, the California elephant seal, the coastal black-headed gull, the cave fish or the Brazilian warbler will hold no secrets for you...

Atlas Cinema - The Eyes of Lousanouch
Directed by: Marie ARLAIS, Raphaël RIALLAND
Produced by: Etrange Miroir (France)
Technology: Immersive show, Mapping
Logline: On the walls of the city, images unfold to tell the intimate story of Lousanouch, survivor of the Armenian genocide of 1915 and exiled in France. Accompanied by an audio narration through headphones, the story of this migration plunges us into a totally immersive show.

Coral Island
Directed by: Simon ROUBY
Produced by: Risette, Miyu Productions (France)
Technology: Virtual Reality, 6DoF, Installation
Logline: Coral Island is a kaleidoscopic investigation through both science and spirits attempting to answer the question: "Why is coral bleaching?”

Follow the Carnation
Directed by: Catarina de Sousa, Lui Avallos
Produced by: Isadora PEDRO NEVES MARQUES & Rodrigo MOREIRA (Portugal & Brazil)
Technology: Virtual Reality, 6DoF, Installation
Logline: Follow the Carnation is a virtual reality experience that uses archives pre and post Carnation Revolution - which took place on April 25, 1974 - overthrowing the longest dictatorship in Europe, to reflect on the fragility of modern democracy.

Uncanny Reverie
Directed by : Alexander HACKL
Produced by: Studio M.A.R.S (Austria)
Technology: Interactive Installation
Logline: Embark on an interactive music journey weaving AI and climate narratives through audience engagement. Exploring the fusion of scientific research and artistic storytelling, it examines how temperature parameters shape the predictability of AI-generated music.
what we are
looking for
Eligible projects
- All non-linear narrative forms: podcast, VR, AR, MR, immersive installation, artificial intelligence, video games, sound immersion, web series, dome, etc.
- All talents, established or not, can submit their project: directors, producers, authors;
- Projects must be at an advanced stage of development. We do not encourage projects whose creation has been finalised or which are in post-production;
- Entries from all countries are welcome.
- Applications must be submitted in English.
Project assessment
Projects will be assessed and selected by a jury of industry professionals based on the following criteria:
- Power and originality of the story and the storytelling;
- International relevance and potential for international co-production;
- Financial feasibility;
- Without being a prerequisite, other elements will be taken into consideration, such as plans for an impact strategy or a green / sustainability certification.
what to expect?
- 5 projects will be selected by a panel of experts;
- COMMITMENT | Selected projects must agree to:
- Register for Sunny Side of the Doc (if you bought a WIP Innovation application, you will be required to buy your Market Pass)
- Attend the various sessions and meetings scheduled as part of the support programme;
- Present their project to the Studio, after a preliminary analysis of feasibility by the Sunny Side of the Doc teams.
- Once selected, each team is offered a market preparation session: identification of the key players to meet for the project, preparation of the pitch and FAQs, critical reading of the application, etc.
Each project will benefit from a workshop session with industry experts: presentation of the project, discussions, feedback and a Q&A session; - THE STUDIO
Depending on logistical and technical feasibility, the project will be showcased in the Studio, a demonstration area dedicated to innovative projects of all kinds, equipped and located in the exhibition hall. All market participants will have access to this area during the 4-day event. The five Innovation WIP projects will be showcased alongside the Sunny side of the doc 2024 selection and the "cartes blanches" presented by leading players from cultural and creative industries. - TAILOR-MADE INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS
We guarantee at least two meetings with targeted French and international players according to your wishlist to get straight into creative and financial discussions. - HAPPY HOUR CULTURE & INNOVATION
- Selected teams will participate in the Happy Hour Culture and Innovation. This event gathers decision-makers from the cultural and creative industries, as well as representatives from French and international cultural institutions.
- The information about the selected projects will be published in the Sunny Side of the Doc resources made available to buyers and registered delegates, including the Official Selection Guide. While you will have the opportunity to verify and update this information, please ensure that it is accurate when applying.
- Sunny Side of the Doc’s commitment goes far beyond the 4-day market. We wish to support the development of your project all the way to its international distribution. The Projects Observatory allows our organization to monitor your progress and share your achievements with the international documentary community.
- Selected projects will comply with Sunny Side’s requests for information and for including its credit and logo where needed.
how to submit
Read the 2024 call for entries carefully,
gather all the required information
and choose your option to submit your project.

option 1
Secure your Market Pass today!
Once registered, choose the Innovation WIP application option on MySunnySpace and submit your project. Proceed to payment at the end of the submission process.

option 2
Not sure if you're coming to La Rochelle yet?
Choose the Innovation WIP application and get your Market Pass later.

where to submit?
Explore our accreditation options and rates on our dedicated registration page for Sunny Side of the Doc.
Seize the opportunity with our early bird rates! Register for your accreditation before February 29th and enjoy a €50 discount!
*Closing date for submissions: April 2nd, 12pm CET.

why pitch at sunny side?
With 300+ top-level international decision-makers in attendance, representing leading broadcasters, streamers, foundations, sales agents and other funders looking for impactful stories, pitching at sunny side is a unique opportunity to reach your future partners.
what benefits?
Key benefits also include: accessing a qualified and diverse professional audience, mentoring from industry experts, sealing potential financial deals, finding new partners, meeting with peers for potential co-production discussions, and much more.
Our pitching sessions will be held during the marketplace (La Rochelle, 19-22 June) and we will accomodate those who may not be able to travel to France to pitch online. Wherever you are, you’ll have the same chance to pitch.

What we are looking for
The Innovation WIP is aimed at documentary or documentary-inspired stories, regardless of category, format or technology used:
- XR (virtual reality, mixed reality, augmented reality),
- podcasts,
- video games,
- dome creation,
- video mapping.
In order to benefit from the support programme and the market in the best possible conditions, your project must be sufficiently advanced and mature, but not yet in post-production.