Doc Masters
Une expertise de plus de 35 ans
Sunny Side propose une large gamme d’activités, telles que des programmes de mentorat, des forums de pitch à l’international et des formations sur mesure.
Mettre notre expertise au service de la communauté
Depuis plus de 35 ans, Sunny Side of the Doc est un acteur clé de l'industrie internationale du documentaire, connectant les talents aux opportunités.
Fort de son expertise, Sunny Side propose une large gamme d'activités, telles que des programmes de mentorat, des forums de pitch à l'international et des formations sur mesure. L'objectif est de donner à la communauté un accès privilégié au marché international, favorisant ainsi les opportunités de coproductions à l'échelle internationale.

what to expect?
This year, Sunny Academy is making its debut at Sunny Side of the Doc with a customized pathway for a selected group of projects. The 2025 cohort, named Quai des Talents, will be chosen through our Project Observatory as well as from training programs hosted at the market.
These projects will receive exclusive support on the international market, with dedicated sessions covering key topics:
- Project Development & Storytelling
- Financial & Co-Production Strategies
- Distribution & Market Access
- Pitching & Presentation
- Industry Networking & Career Growth
Nos initiatives
Découvrez toutes nos initiatives Doc Masters.

In search of answers
How will the major functions (production, distribution, broadcasting) continue to evolve, what are the emerging professions of tomorrow, and how is AI shaking up the industry? How will storytelling evolve? And what stories should we tell in a world living in an era of climate change, conflict, geopolitical tension and growing inequality?
These questions will run through Sunny Side of the Doc and will undoubtedly feed the projects selected in our 7 pitch categories: Science, History, Arts and Culture, Nature & Conservation, Global Issues, New Voices and Impact Campaigns.


register as
Decision maker
Meet 800+ international content producers and 200+ distributors across a wide range of networking events, a unique opportunity to find hidden gem and develop potential business opportunities.

register as
Our market is essential for most of international channels and platforms as it is often used as a tool for official announcements. Be the first to reveal the latest news!
Save the dates

Ouverture de l’appel à projets SSD x LCM
Ouverture des soumissions pour l’appel à projets SSD x LCM.

Fermeture de l’appel à projets SSD x LCM
Date de clôture : les soumissions de projets pour les sessions de pitch SSD x LCM seront acceptées jusqu’au jeudi 5 décembre 2024, à 12 heures CET.

Sunny Side of the Doc 2025 : ouverture de l’appel à projets
Soumettez votre projet aux sessions de pitch de Sunny Side of the Doc 2025.

Sunny Innovation Lab 2025 : ouverture de l’appel à candidatures
Soumettez votre création documentaire non-linéaire au Sunny Innovation Lab !

Sessions de pitch Sunny Side of the Doc au LatAm Content Meeting
Rejoignez le rendez-vous international du documentaire et du factual content en Amérique latine du 10 au 12 mars 2025 à Rio de Janeiro.

Sunny Side of the Doc 2025 : fermeture de l’appel à projets
Fermeture des inscriptions aux sessions de pitch de Sunny Side of the Doc.

Sunny Innovation Lab 2025 : fermeture de l’appel à candidatures
Dernier jour pour soumettre votre création documentaire non-linéaire au Sunny Innovation Lab.

Sunny Side of the Doc 2025
Rejoignez la 36e édition du Sunny Side of the Doc, le marché international du documentaire qui se tiendra du 23 au 26 juin 2025 à La Rochelle.
> Plus d’infos prochainement.
Want to discover the highlights of this 35th edition?
Keynotes, channel lineups, pitch sessions, panels and conferences, Meet the Executives, screenings, networking events, happy hours... Have a glimpse into the #SSD24 programme without further delay!

Focus on Australia
Australia has a special place at Sunny Side of the Doc. Highlighted in 2023 through a number of dedicated panels (ABC, SBS, Screen Australia and AIDC) at the market in June, Australia will be again in the spotlight for the 35th anniversary edition of Sunny Side of the Doc.
A programme will be entirely dedicated to Australia, co-produced with French and Australian institutions and organisations. This focus-event will notably include an Australian pavilion, matchmaking sessions with producers from the country, and will welcome Australian industry professionals from the First Nation association.

why attend?
Whether you are a producer, buyer or distributor of factual content, seize your chance to:
- Establish new contacts and build coproduction relationships;
- Explore key trends in the booming international factual market;
- Pitch and develop new documentary projects;
- Discover new talents and find new format ideas;
- Acquire content and/or strengthen your catalogue.
decision makers
official selection

official selections &palmares
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You may be wondering what Sunny Side of the Doc looks like? Take a look at the pictures below!