Christophe SOMMET, CEO Histoire TV & Ushuaïa TV (TF1 Group)

1. Sunny Side of the Doc for you in 3 words?

Networking, conviviality, unmissable.

2. What do you expect from this reunion edition with the international documentary community?

Our main objective at Sunny Side of the Doc is to clarify the editorial lines and the acquisition and production policies of the channels. They each have a very specific and unique DNA. Ushuaïa TV is the only channel 100% dedicated to protecting the planet and Histoire TV is a History channel with a general approach. Each channel is available in 30 French-speaking countries to nearly 15 million subscriber households and attracts 3.5 million viewers each month.

It is also to meet the actors of the documentary world within this event. An essential moment of exchange and sharing that is precious.

3. #NewVoices, our main thread for 2022, what does this mean to you?

To make our channels a must-see, we are looking for premium and ambitious content, most often original and exclusive. Projects with an original angle or treatment, allowing to distinguish Histoire TV and Ushuaïa TV from other documentary channels. To do this, new voices are essential.

Whether it's new writing in documentaries or new distribution channels such as podcasts, we are exploring all possibilities and are looking for partners to do so.