about us
Sunny side of the doc has been bringing the international documentary community together for more than 30 years. It organises events and activities throughout the year, and its signature event – the international marketplace – is held live in June in La Rochelle.

our history
Founded in 1990, sunny side of the doc marketplace has become the leading international industry event for co-production funding and circulating completed programmes, for linear documentaries as well as digital and immersive experiences. Over the years, Sunny Side has aligned its offer and activities to meet the industry's expectations, realities and needs. Therefore, Sunny Side has introduced complementary events and activities to its annual core market, such as: Asian Side of the Doc (since 2010), Latin Side of the Doc, Sunny Lab (from 2014 to 2017), PiXii Festival (since 2017), Global Pitch (since 2020), Projects Observatory (since 2020), as well as webinars, case studies and training sessions each year with leading experts.
our objectives
Since its creation, sunny side of the doc has been built
around three key objectives:

the circulation of documentary programmes across Europe and the world

networking between industry peers and encourage international co-productions and the development of projects;

and train industry professionals on key market trends, media economics, breakthrough technologies, etc.
our approach
In a world in crisis which questions its future, we believe documentary storytelling has a social and civic role that should be kept in mind and fostered in the global media landscape. It is Sunny Side of the Doc’s conviction to defend and celebrate, through independent storytellers, an ideal of living together and educate new and diverse audiences today and tomorrow.

Each year, our marketplace event brings together more than 2,000 participants from over 70 countries, including content creators(producers and directors), decision-makers (broadcasters, streamers, foundations, museums, social networks, sales agents) and professionals from industries related to content creation (archives, music, etc.) to sell or buy projects and programmes, and to find the right business partners.
We promote a culture of co-creation and international cooperation between industry stakeholders.We create unique opportunities in a feel-good atmosphere through a variety of high-level pitching sessions, panel discussions, hands-on workshops and networking activities, all with the added value of an exhibition space.
key figures
engaging with industry
Sunny Side of the Doc enjoys an excellent producer-to-broadcaster ratio, that fosters an invaluable networking and deal-making environment. We bring you face-to-face with international leaders who can make a real difference to your career in documentary and factual.

1% for the Planet
Doc Services, the organizing company behind Sunny Side of the Doc, has joined the 1% for the Planet network. Each year, we will donate 1% of our commercial turnover to associations working to protect the environment and biodiversity.

SDG Media Compact
In addition, we have joined SDG Media Compact, recognizing the crucial role that media and entertainment companies play in enhancing awareness and shaping public opinion and we particularly support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).